Tuesday, September 27, 2016

30 Second Share: Learning About Your Students

Every Monday morning, right after I finish attendance and lunch count, we have a weekly tradition that has proven to be invaluable to me. I call it the "30 Second Share."

Basically, the way it works is we go around the classroom and each student shares one thing from their weekend. It takes about five minutes (shares rarely take 30 seconds), yet provides me so much information that I might not get another way.

Through the 30 Second Share, I've learned more about my students' lives outside school and about what's going on at home. Things like what they do (or don't do) on the weekends, their hobbies and interests, what they like to do for fun. I can then use this information in other areas of our learning day, such as when I recommend a book or when I make up a word problem in math.

But the 30 Second Share also gives me valuable insight into any trouble that might be brewing. Maybe someone is sick, a parent is away for awhile or a pet died over the weekend. I can make a note to check in with this student later in the day or week to see how things are going.

I also share something about my weekend during the 30 Second Share. The students love this! I feel sharing about my life helps build the connection I have with my students. They know me as a person, as well as their teacher.

Building connections with our students is one of the most important things we can do in the classroom. This short five minute activity every week is a small time investment to help make this happen. I think this graphic pretty much sums it up:


  1. Love the 30 second share! We do high-low in my class! It's so much fun and so important to building community. (Love the new blog, friend!)

  2. Community and connection are the foundation of it all! Good for you for taking the time for this. I love Morning Meeting as the way to start our days and we all benefit from the community building. I like your idea to find a way to squeeze this in.

  3. Community and connection are the foundation of it all! Good for you for taking the time for this. I love Morning Meeting as the way to start our days and we all benefit from the community building. I like your idea to find a way to squeeze this in.

  4. This is one of my most favorite things to do! I love when they share with us what they've been doing for the weekend! :) Love it!

  5. Love this. Such a great way to hear and see each child.

  6. Sharing parts of our lives is important for anyone to learn "who" we are. You seem to have mastered that art well. Love the graphic, too!

  7. Love this!!! What a powerful example of formative assessment. We need to know them, truly know them, in order to engage them in learning with us. This tradition make it clear that your room is a learning community. Thank you for sharing
    Clare and Tammy

  8. This is so wonderful on so many levels - the perfect way to build community.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I love this post, Jennifer. It's all true. Teachers need to make connections in order to motivate learning and natural curiosity. I feel very fortunate for all the teachers my boys had. They were extremely positive and just what my boys needed to grow and learn. :) You guys have an important job. Thanks for all you do. :)

  11. We used to do this and called it Monday News. It's a great relationship builder in the classroom.
